Our Upcoming Aspiring Speakers Roundtable — Meet the Interviewees
Women in tech — Alex Radu and Stefania Chaplin
The next Aspiring Speakers event is an exciting roundtable interview with two outstanding tech professionals. Alex Radu is a senior associate with JPMC in software engineering and product adoption. Stefania Chaplin is EMEA’s solution architect at Secure Code Warrior.
The Aspiring Speakers initiative is our way of bringing new and established tech voices together to lift public speaking skills and enable the community to connect. I am a big believer in the power of these events to boost skills and confidence. It enables those who were unsure about public speaking to take their first steps in a safe and nurturing environment.
Before the event I caught up with Alex and Stefania to ask them about their motivations for public speaking, why they agreed to join me and what kind of questions they are hoping for. Here’s what Alex and Stefania had to say.
Why did you agree to do this Q+A?
Alex: I think everyone has a story to tell and experience to share, and there are so many opportunities with events being remote to hear more diverse voices. I hope we’ll inspire others to take their first step in public speaking with this session!
Stefania: At the beginning of my career, a member of my company’s board told me the best way to improve diversity is to increase visibility. Encouraging a new generation of female speakers is something I am very passionate about and want to help as much as I can!
What are you going to be sharing/talking about in the interview
Alex: I am excited to talk about how to ensure you are also taking care of your wellbeing when applying for speaking opportunities and how to make your process more efficient.
Stefania: I’ll be talking about personal brand and prioritisation of projects. And I want to answer any questions that are sent in.
What is something interesting about you that people may not know?
Alex: I crocheted a 3D unicorn in 2 weeks, learning how to do it as I went along.
Stefania: After doing a computer science degree, I became a makeup artist. Who knew the customer facing skills I learnt within cosmetics would be transferable to a life in technology.
I’m sure you’re looking forward to hearing what these two top tech professionals have to say, I know I am. Join us on Thursday and get inspired!